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소고기 무국

by FreshEasy


💬 제품 설명

깔끔하고 담백한 맛, 속깊은 소고기무국
소고기와 무를 듬뿍 넣고 끓여 정갈한 맛을 살린 소고기 무국이에요. 입맛 없는 날, 맑게 우린 고깃국물로 든든한 한끼를 채워보세요.


🥣 주재료

무, 소고기, 대파, 고추


🌶️ 안매움 ☆☆☆

⌛ 365일 안에 섭취

❄️ 냉동 보관

🍽 1인분

⚖️ 200g

⏱ 10분 안에 요리 완성


💡 요리방법

1. 냉장 해동 또는 전자레인지 해동하기 (700W 기준 해동 3분)

2. 냄비에 물 600ml를 넣고 끓으면 모든 재료를 넣어 중불로 7분간 끓이기


Tip. 고춧가루를 추가로 넣어도 좋아요

[프레시지 ] 소고기 무국 (1인)

  • ✔️ 위생적인 제조 환경

    ✔️ 엄격한 품질 평가

    ✔️ 무방부제 ・무첨가물

    ✔️ HACCP 인증

    ✔️ 냉동・냉장 물류


We make cooking so easy and quick!

Save your time from cooking! With our products, you can enjoy your fresh and healthy meals fresh within minutes.


Sanitized manufacturing environment.

All our products are manufactured under strictly sanitized environments.


No more wasted ingredients.

Our meal kits have ingredients proportionately cut and prepared to eliminate wasted ingredients.


No artificial preservatives.

All our meals are deep frozen intently at -30C to ensure we preserve the freshness of the ingredients. And we do not add any preservatives.


We only choose
the best!

We test each and every product to ensure their quality and taste.


Flash frozen at -30°C to preserve freshness!

To preserve the fresh original taste, our products are instantly frozen at -30°C as soon as they are produced. And until they reach your door, they are stored and delivered in temperature controlled environment.

관련 제품